BR-Calc - Batch Record Emission Calculation

The Batch Record Emission Calculation System (BR-Calc) is a Windows-based system to calculate, track and report VOC and HAP emissions in the batch production of pharmaceutical and specialty chemical products. 

BR-Calc is based on US EPA Office of Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) calculation methods.  BR-Calc emission calculations include the following methodologies:

  • Control of Volatile Organic Emissions from Manufacture of Synthesized Pharmaceutical Products, December 1978
  • Control of Volatile Compound Emissions from Batch Processes, ACT 1994
  • Pharmaceutical MACT equations
  • User entered specific emission calculation methods

BR-Calc has been used to track emisisons for MACT and TITLE V programs.

BR-Calc maintains all individual unit operations by campaign/batch for each product in the system.  Control devices are also tracked in the system to calculate pre- and post-control emissions.  To verify the calculations, a detailed step-by-step printout of each unit operation’s calculations is available with references in the calculations to the appropriate US EPA equation.   The reports in the system are used to meet state, federal and internal reporting requirements.

Key BR-Calc features include:

·      Windows-Based, developed using Microsoft programming language and tools to insure compatibility with current and future Windows operating systems

·      Maintains support data used throughout the system for the following:

1.      Chemical Database

2.      Equipment Database

3.      Building Database

4.      Unit Types

5.      Equipment Group

6.      Emission Points

7.      Unit Operations

8.      Fugitive Factors

9.      The ability to set default unit operation input parameters

10.  Activity Types

11.  Condenser Types

12.   Emission Limits

13.    Default Rates

·        Import / Export of batch products

·       No limit on the number of batch products used in the system

·      No limit on the number of Campaigns that can be run for a product

·      No limit on the number of steps a batch can have

·      No limit on the number of control devices on a specific piece of equipment

·      No limit on the number of chemicals that can be added in a step

·      Control devices use calculated, default or user defined efficiencies

·      A Reorder function to rearrange the steps on a batch record if necessary

·      Numerous Copy functions at the product and step level to make data entry easier

·      Program security access levels based on logon user ID’s for superuser, read / write access and read only access

·      Built in data backup / restore feature for historical data archiving

·      Reports custom designed to meet client’s needs

·      Reports previewed to the screen prior to printing

·      Users can easily modify unit operation input field terminology and set the order of input for the required data fields. 

·      Mixture Vapor Pressure / Boiling Point Calculator

·      Additions of Solids

·      Additions of gases

·      Off-Gassing capability

·      Automatic cascading of vessel contents from one operation to the next

·      Allows manual adjustments of unit operation composition

·      Allows creation of combination unit operations (i.e. an operation such as an atmospheric distillation is actually a series of individual unit operations)

·      Enhanced Chemical information entry capability

·      Block copy / repeat function for unit operation data entry

·      On the removal of material from a vessel the ability to label the final disposition of the material (i.e. product, wastewater, hazardous tank, drum ,etc.)

·      Enhanced treatment of multiple vessel transfer and distillation operations

·      Function to globally change out equipment in a batch record

·        Scale up / Scale down process copy functions